Friday, November 18, 2011

for what? you ask

Welcome to my new project.

It's more than writing, it requires my hands, my head, my mouth and hopefully my heart will join in too.

This journey is a green one. I'm trying to live on a simple diet of fruits, veggies and some beans and nuts.

A huge part of this is getting my friends to love veggies with me.

In the first 5 days of this "project" or eating-the-garden lifestyle have been quite an adventure. Costing me my free time, my convenience and my budget. But I think that eating this way is worth it and it's been an interesting route of creativity and innovation, making veggies work.

Monday I posted a facebook status asking if anyone had a juicer they were trying to give away or sell, within 3 hours I had several offers and by nightfall, I had traded a future-photoshoot for Karin & Josh's once-used wedding present.

Since then, I've been experimenting and some things have worked really well. This blog is not only a place to rant, process and show-n-tell but also a place where I can keep a record of recipes, concoctions and "to-try later's" Encouraged by roommates who liked the "samples" I've been passing around, I will try and post frequently, and keep this blog well fed with updates on my relationship (with veggies, that is).

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